January 2016 Meeting Minutes


January 5, 2016


The meeting was called to order by Vice President Sheila Persinger.   President Debbie Notaro was not in attendance due to a funeral.

Secretary’s report:  Thank you Deb Hall-Reppen for taking the minutes in the absence of Julie Brown.  A correction was made for the wording “proven devastating” for the December minutes. Glorianne Campbell approved with this change and seconded by Vicki Deane.

Treasurer’s report:  Current balances for all GGC financial accounts was given by Julie Maturo.

Vice President’s Report:  Sheila shared that Susan VanderVeen will be our speaker for the February 2 meeting.  She will be presenting on LiveWall/Vertical Green Systems.

Committee Reports:

Membership:  Kristie Dienst introduced Mary Stavenhagen’s guest Linda Bradley.

Scholarship:  no report

Ways and Means:  Still looking for a chair for the plant sale June 3-5.  There are still gloves for sale.

Communications:  Tammy reported information has been updated for the Scholarship on the Website and on Facebook.  Please “like” and “share” to spread the word.

Legislation:  no report

Publicity:  no report

Hospitality:  Linda Brodine thanked Julie Brown for her hard work and introduced the committee.  Raffle items include gift certificates, 3 snowflakes, snowmen and the flowers on the serving tables.

Always on Tuesday:  no report

Historian:  no report

Assemblage:  all quiet

Community Service Projects:  All quiet or dormant.  CASA planters are still looking beautiful.

Other Business:  Sheila and Julie M. have lots of pots for the plant sale.

The next meeting is Feb. 2, 2016 at 11:30 at the SPRC.

Members Share information:  Be alert for the City of Geneva coming to trim trees in area neighborhoods.  City workers are not as knowledgeable with using proper trimming techniques as certified arborists.  Some trees not looking very good.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:37pm.  A motion was made by Glorianne C. and seconded by Julie Maturo.

Minutes submitted by Deb Hall-Reppen