January 2014 Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order by President Julie Maturo at 12:05.


Minutes – the minutes were read by Glorianne Campbell and approved with a motion by Ellie Byrnes and seconded by Ellen Bassett.

Treasurerʼs Report – Ellie Byrnes reported the current balances in the GGC accounts. We received a thank you from the Geneva History Center for the donation for the usage during the bow and bulb sale.

Vice Presidents’ Report-Arlene Grandt reported that the February meeting will be on Flower Pressing.

Introduction of Guests– this included a young student, Abby Fronk, who is going for her Gold Award in Girl Scouts with a project Blossoms for Bees. She spoke briefly about her project prior to the speaker.


Historian-Annette Barnes asked members to help in remembering who had received Books of Honor and the titles of the books for a number of years in the past. Please contact Annette with the information.

Hospitality -Jane Martin welcomed all and introduced Mary Smoot, the chair for today, who introduced her committee. Kathleen Harrington informed the members of the five items for the raffle for today.

Membership -Kristie Dienst introduced Marilyn Schave, a new member, who was not with us last month.

Publicity -Deb Notaro reported that it is quiet right now, but considerable publicity had been done in December for our bulb and bow sales.

Service Projects

  • Scholarship – Karen Bielski reported nothing is new at this time.

Ways & Means

  • Bows – Jane Martin reported that we made $648 and still have bowsleft.
  • Cathy Rex reported that all the bulbs have been sold, but not all the money has been turned in.
  • Spring Plant Sale – June 6,7,8 needs a chair person. Marilyn Schave and Mary Stavenhagen volunteered to chair the event. It was noted that Shady Hill has agreed to donate plants.

Other Business

Julie Maturo asked for volunteers to serve on the Nominating Committee. Deb Notaro, Sheila Persinger and Julie Brown will make up this committee. Susan Leigh, a guest for today, told us about Fox Valley Food for Health which teaches teens to cook healthy natural meals which are provided to families in need, such as those of cancer patients. There are now some thirty teens providing 150-180 meals a week. Along with this group, Past Basket in Geneva would like to bring back the Kitchen Walk event and is planning for this on September 27. Volunteers will be needed for the event. Kathleen Harrington thanked everyone who helped with the Fox Valley Northern Lights event which netted $37,000. The 2014 event will be held at the Lincoln Inn in Batavia. She presented the Garden Club with a plaque for their participation. Mary Garrison thanked members for their help and participation in the tree decorating at the Geneva History Center. Today’s raffle raised $98.

Adjournment– the meeting was adjourned at 12:43 with a motion by Bonnie Kovacs and seconded by Ellen Bassett.