November 2015 Meeting Minutes


November 3, 2015

The meeting was called to order by President Debbie Notaro at 12:03pm.

Secretary Report:  The meeting minutes from the October’s meeting were confirmed by Secretary Julie Brown.  Approved by Sheila Persinger and seconded by Glorianne Campbell.

Treasurer’s report:  Julie Maturo reported the current balances for the checking, Paypal, Paypal Online and the Savings accounts.  The New Budget was approved at the board meeting and copies were available to the general members.

Vice President’s Report:  Sheila Persinger reported that our speaker for the December meeting will be Atala Toy from Crystal Life Natural Spirits in Geneva.

Committee Reports:

Membership:  Kristie Dienst introduced our 4 new members, Leona Brown, Laura Schmidt, Sherry O’Berry, and Joyce Papitch.  We also had 4 guests.

Scholarship:  Karen Bielski reported that the updated information is on our website and has been forwarded to the area newspapers and schools.

Ways and Means:  no report

Communication:   Once again the Website has been updated and Tammy showed us how to “like’ and “share” on the Facebook page.

Legislation:  no report

Publicity:   Tammy gave update for Teresa regarding the Facebook page.

Hospitality:  Jane Martin welcomed everyone and thanked her Hostess committee.

Always on Tuesday:  no report

Historian:  Annette Barnes shared the membership Journal from the 1980’s-2000, all hand written in beautiful penmanship.

Assemblage:  Linda Brodine and Debbie Notaro discussed the fact that there are so many requests for emails to be shared with the club from varying people, groups, etc.  It seems some people may be missing important club information as it is being diverted to their “spam”.  When sending emails, please send to Linda, copy to Debbie as she also needs to approve them, making sure information is appropriate and correct.  And please do not Reply All; respond directly to the person you are corresponding with.

Service Projects /Civic Projects

Geneva Garden Park:  Ellen Bassett reported due to the rain last Saturday the new time for the cleanup will be Thursday at 8AM.

Library Arrangements:  Please continue to sign up via the SignUp Genius. Dates start in January of 2016.

Other Business:  Linda Radtke asked that when trees are being decided for replanting if more Oaks could be replanted.  It has been noted in recent articles that the Oak population is on a steep decline and not a tree of choice for replanting or replacing.  It is a slower growing tree and usually more costly.  Something to think about.

The meeting was adjourned at 1:00pm with a motion by Ellen Bassett and seconded by Sue Boyle.

Respectfully submitted by Secretary Julie Brown