February 2015 Meeting Minutes


The meeting was called to order by President Debbie Notaro at 12:00 p.m.  Debbie apologized for not being available last month to do our program due to being called for Jury Duty.

Kristie read an acknowledgement of gratitude and thanks for Arlene Grandt for her time and contributions to the GGC which was videotaped by MaryAnn R . Arlene has moved to the Carolinas and we were not able to tell her in person due to the sudden move.  Julie Maturo is looking for a replacement for Communications Chair person. Julie Brown is looking for an assistant/back up person to fill in as Secretary on the occasional times when she will not be available at meetings due to work obligations. Also Jane Martin shared we are looking for a replacement for Raffle person as Kathleen Harrington is stepping down. There a many lovely valentine themed items for today’s raffle.

Debbie reviewed members’ obligations and responsibilities when on a hostess committee and in general. Please respond to emails or phone calls when contacted. It is everyone’s duty to do their part when asked and assigned. If you are not able to fulfill a duty, please find a replacement or let your chair person know. Every member will be expected to purchase 2 tickets for the upcoming Garden Walk even if unable to attend. These can be resold or given as a gift to someone else if need be.

Minutes from last month’s meeting were confirmed and approved with a motion by Kristie Dienst and seconded by Sheila Persinger.

Treasure’s Report-  Debbie Notaro reported the current balance in the GGC accounts.  It was mentioned that we can start paying dues on line through PayPal.

Vice President’s Report-  Next month’s program for our March meeting will be presented by Nancy Christian on Herbs. Nancy is from Redbud Creek Farms.

Committee Reports:

Garden Walk- Deb Hall-Reppen reported that we have chairs for all committees.  Signups going around for volunteers to help at the homes and other walk needs. Many volunteers are still needed and you may sign up for more than 1 thing! Lots of opportunities.

Always on Tuesday-  Please consider sharing your garden for this fun summertime gathering opportunity. A trip to Redbud Creek Farms is being planned for June 16.  There will be a luncheon available, price to be determined at a later date. August 18 will be the last Tuesday for the summer.

Assemblage-  Linda sent out the Thank You from CASA. Otherwise no report.

Communications- Julie M. shared that the website has been updated. Tammy is learning the ropes and will be taking over. Still having issues with photo gallery portion. Fund raiser flyer for tomorrows CPK event is available on the site.

Historian-  No report

Legislation-  A brief explanation was given re: incorporation of the club and updated bylaws. These will be sent out via email next month. Hard copies will be available for those without email. Bylaws and incorporation will need to match up. The proposed changes will be presented at the next Board meeting and will be voted on at the March general meeting.

Membership-  No report

Publicity-  Teresa will be adding info to Facebook re: Garden Walk and Scholarship opportunities. Reviewed how to “like” and “share” our FB page.

Vickie shared a peek at the new GGC Apron that will be available to club members. They are black and will have a GGC logo on the bib portion in white. They have 3 nice sized pockets and an adjustable neck. We will have the option of having them monogramed. Base price is around $ 25.00 plus $3.50-5.00 extra for the monogram. Once order placed, should be in in about 1 week.

Service projects- No reports other than Library. When signing up to provide an arrangement or plant for the Library, please note it is for the entire month, not 2 weeks. There has been some confusion with items being left past the end of the month or 2 or more items provided at the same time. There is not a lot of room on the counter. Please drop off 1st of month and pick up last day of month. The library staff will water plants if needed.

Scholarship–  No report, awaiting replies.

Ways and Means-  CPK fundraiser is planned for February 4th. You must mention our club or show the flyer. We will receive 20% of the monies taken in.

Hospitality-  Diane Ramm introduced her committee. A very festive Valentine themed lunch was provided. Noel Storm and Maryann Snook volunteered to take over as Raffle co-chairs for next year. Thank you ladies!

Linda Brodine will chair the nominating committee. Will need 2 more volunteers to assist her with looking for replacements for the Treasurer position and Communication chair position.

Debbie shared a note recognizing our club from CASA re: the paver brick given in our club name with thanks for our commitment of doing the CASA garden planters. Please check your emails for information for several upcoming opportunities such as the Chicago Botanic Garden Orchid Show, Darien “Spring Gardening Inspiration”, Chicago Flower and Garden Show at Navy Pier March 14-22. GGC will have a flower box on display.

Meeting adjourned at 1:05pm.  Motion to adjourn by Julie Maturo and seconded by Deb Hall-Reppen.

Tammy C. providing program on Fairy Gardening.

Submitted by Secretary Julie Brown.